Janet is proud to serve in the Montana Legislature.
A message from Janet Ellis:
I am pleased to announce that I am running to represent Senate District 41 in the Montana Legislature. It has been an honor to serve for the last four years as a representative. My two terms in the House have given me the opportunity to work towards making Helena and all of Montana an even greater place. I look forward to continuing my service to our community and our state in the State Senate.
Helena is my home. I married here. My husband and I raised our son here. Living in a community where there is quality public education, open space, and caring neighbors has been a privilege. I want to ensure that families like mine can continue to experience a good quality of life.
Over the last 30 years, I’ve built a reputation of being fair and effective as a citizen advocate for Montana’s habitat, wildlife, and clean water. This experience has increased my effectiveness as a legislator.
I have now served two sessions as a representative. During this time, I sat on the House Appropriations Committee, which reviewed state programs and developed the state’s budget. During my tenure, I’ve worked to to keep Republicans from gutting the state budget–and have made sure that important programs, like assuring that Montanans have clean drinking water, received funding. My interim committee for two sessions now has been the Environmental Quality Council. This committee is currently studying how the state should manage brucellosis, chronic wasting disease, and long term funding of state parks.
I ran for the legislature to be an effective advocate for the values Helenans care about: quality education, access to healthcare, assuring fair and open elections, protecting the environment, and improving the economy. I look forward to continuing this advocacy as your voice in the Montana Senate.
NOTE: this website is maintained by friends and supporters of Janet Ellis in her run for SD 41.