A message from Senator Janet Ellis:
Helena is my home. I married here. My husband and I raised our son here. Living in a community where there is quality public education, open space, and caring neighbors has been a privilege. I want to ensure families can continue to experience the same quality of life we have been able to over the years.
During my five sessions as a legislator, my focus has been on the state budget. In 2021 and 2023 this work included serving as Minority Vice Chair of Senate Finance & Claims. In the 2023 Legislature (Montana’s most recent session) I also served on the State Administration Committee (which oversees elections and public employee pensions) and on the Energy and Telecommunications Committee.
During 2023-2024, my interim committee work includes 8 committees, including Legislative Finance (which oversees the state budget; I am Vice Chair), State Administration and Veterans Affairs, the Communication Advisory Commission (which oversees broadband internet installation with federal infrastructure money), and the Western Montana Conservation Commission (which oversees water-related issues west of the continental divide).
Whether in committee or on the floor of the Senate, I see my role as making sure the state works for you while also working to protect our land, air, and water. My commitment today remains the same as it did when I first ran for the legislature: to be an effective advocate for the values Helenans care about—quality education, access to healthcare, assuring fair and open elections, protecting the environment, and improving the economy. I continue to work hard to represent you every day.
For your information, I do not have to run for reelection in 2024: my 4-year Senate term ends in December 2026.